Nudge: Happy Yoga!

A very happy yoga day to all! I would like to share how yoga has already helped me at the beginning of my journey, with the hope that someone else who is interested may be nudged to embark on this path as well. I will end by sharing a link or two that I found... Continue Reading →

Spreading Love Challenge

An attempt to make some more good use of social media. We are all humans, who seek some sort of love, comfort and approval from one another. We all go through a few ups and downs and feel each other's need or sometimes don't even realise that another person's presence could help. While we all... Continue Reading →

For My Baby

Today I lost Glue. My baby squirrel. No, he wasn't 'just a squirrel' and the fact that I can see 10 other squirrels in my garden doesn't mean the same. He was and always will be a significant member of our family. My baby. The one we'd all always be eager to see the moment... Continue Reading →

As A Man Thinketh

When I was 15 years old I wrote an article based on the teachings of a book which I considered to be the perfect representation of many ideas that I believed in and introduced me to fresh ideas that I believed to be good guidelines for a young mind. Now that I am in college, living away from... Continue Reading →

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